Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Coming back to life

I decided to bring back this blog because health issues were ending up on my other blog, "A writer's beginnings (again)" There is a lot happening in this area of my life.  I am beginning to lose weight again which is nice; however, my arthritic pain as dropped considerably.  I feel more energetic than I have felt for years. I am eating organic now as I have learned how much pesticides were in my food and my original cancer was from pesticides.  I have had cancer many times and want to avoid it for obvious reasons. Losing weight can improve this as well.

I have given up coffee because the juicing fast recommends it.  It was hard to do so. I also am now a vegan but I am slowing transitioning out of this and will be entering into a juice fast as soon as all of the food of my kitchen is gone.  I am still juicing everyday and eating one small meal.  I have three juicing machines, but the best one is from Amazon.  I chose that one from the reviews.  I bought some brand new juicers from Goodwill but one failed immediately.  The smaller one is a good one but messy.  I bought another for a small price at Grocery Outlet.  It is good, but very messy and  does not extract enough from the produce.  I use it every so often.  I will be trying other methods to get the juice out because Organic is very expensive.

I am positive juicing is the right way for me to go.  I will keep some aspects of it once I lose all of my excess weight which will take a while.  I want to continue juicing and eating raw organic fruits and vegetables but incorporate small meals.  I won't be going back on coffee nor eating meat again. I am not sure of milk products right now,  Like everything else, I will take this trip mindfully and see what happens.  Someone said that life is too short if one can't eat the good stuff and enjoy it.  If I go back to the way I was eating, I will have a much shorter lifespan and it will be more painful.  I can do without the hamburger and french fries.   It is possible to eat that way here in Portland.

Again, I have no idea whether or not anyone reads these blogs; however it does not matter.  I am having one grand time writing it and living this life. 

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