Saturday, January 29, 2011


I am still having trouble exercising. In Korea, I just got up and got dressed and left my apartment. I walked to the bus stop which was exercise in itself. Hung on to dear life once I was on the bus and then did some work while at Home Plus which was a nice safe place. I often walked around the place looking at things and saying hello to different people. It was all inside so I did not have to worry about the weather.Then going back to my apartment was an adventure in itself as well because it was even more exercise as I had to climb steps down below a bridge that took me under a busy intersection and then up again. I knew once I got here to California, I would not have the same situation and I was correct.

I can't walk to anywhere without running into loose dogs and some of them are dangerous. It does no good to call the police because they won't come out here. I have a fear of dogs in the first place. Most people when they walk about here carry some sort of weapon and I carry a cane. The man down the street shot one dog who attacked his grandson. So walking to anything is not a great idea. I have not had the energy to stick the DVD of Denise Austin in the player and jump around my room. I am looking forward to joining a club next week in which I will exercise with a group of people and on machines five days a week. I have got to do it or face losing the physical stamina that I gained in Korea. I can't change my neighborhood.

People in Korea are basically honest and being attacked on the streets is a very rare thing. Men can be rude to women there but they don't hit them or try and grab their purses. It is very rare to see Koreans on the street begging for money or work. I saw a few with drinking problems, but their presence not only startled me but the Koreans as well. Older seniors often are seen working until they are very elderly. Younger Koreans take their parents around everyplace. When they get sick, they are often cared for in the home although this is changing. I saw some wondering aimlessly. The point I am making is I felt safer there than I do here.

The club that I am going to join is not expensive and I can afford it. My son says once I do it for a month that he will authorize funds from my account to pay for an entire year. I just have to do it for a month. The place is full of seniors. It is not far from here and is better than the other place that I looked at. I will be around people, and I think I need that too.

It is too bad I can't do what I did in Korea because I missed walking to bus stops and going to Home Plus for coffee and lunch but this is now and that was then. I can't wait too long to find a suitable exercise plan or I will lose what I worked so hard to achieve. Too bad because I really had such fond memories of the place and the walks that I took and the rides on the buses even if they were wild.

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