Friday, November 27, 2009

Diabetes Testing and Other Things

I tested my blood sugar this morning and it was 104 which is the lowest it has been for a very long time. It is way too early for it to be a trend, but it is a step in the right direction. I used to have consistent high blood pressure that my doctor asked me to come in and have my blood pressure tested between doctor appointments. Not only do I not have to do this anymore, but my blood pressure is now consistently normal when tested. They use this machine that would peep when the pressure was too high and then it would have to be re-tested. Now, this never happens.

I am not losing the weight the way I would like, but I am not exercising the way I should be. Perhaps that is the next stage in my quest to be healthier. It is working and that is what counts. My clothes are getting looser and I might have to throw away a pair of pants I used to wear now and again.

As stated before, losing weight was only the start of my quest to be healthier, not the goal. I have lower the sugar level in my blood or at least this morning. I have been seeing a steady lowering in it as in prior tests and in the blood work at the clinic where I go for my medical needs. I used to have pain in my joints and muscles and take pain reliever every morning. I rarely do that anymore. I exercise every so often and I am working on doing more. I am doing more with my mind as well.

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